Game Development Reference
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Having peers review game deliverables as they are being produced provides immedi-
ate feedback and the opportunity to repair problems before they are introduced and
commingled with the rest of the game. It will be much harder and more expensive to
find and repair these problems at later phases of the project.
Peer reviews come in different “flavors.�? In each case, there are times when you, the
tester, will be required to participate. If you don't put in the necessary time and effort
to contribute to the review, you and your team will be less likely to be asked to par-
ticipate in the future. Make sure you take this responsibility seriously when your num-
ber gets called.
Walkthroughs are one form of peer review. A general outline of a walkthrough is as
1. Leader (for example, the designer) secures a room and schedules the walk-
2. Leader begins the meeting with an overview of work including scope, pur-
pose, and special considerations
3. Leader displays and presents document text and diagrams
4. Participants ask questions and raise issues
5. New issues raised during the walkthrough are recorded during the meeting
The room should comfortably fit the number of people attending and have a projector
for presentations. A whiteboard or paper easel pad can be used by the leader or par-
ticipants to elaborate on questions or answers. Limit attendance to 6-8 people at
most. This should not turn into a team meeting. Only include a representative from
each project role that is potentially affected by the work you are walking through. For
example, someone from the art team does not have to be in most code design walk-
throughs, but there should be an experienced game artist there when graphics sub-
system designs are being presented. Don't invite the test lead to every single walk-
through that affects the test team. If you do, then game knowledge and walkthrough
experience won't get passed on to other testers. This also keeps the test lead from
spending too much time on walkthroughs and not enough time on test leading. Work
with the test lead to find other capable representatives on her team. If you are the test
lead, send someone capable from your team in your place when you can.
Be sure to invite one or more developers to your test walkthroughs. It's a great way to find
out if what you intend to test is really what the game is going to do once it's developed.
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