Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
relating to this subject but continued in line with the Regulations of the European
Community after 1991. In the Commission Regulation (EEC) 94/92 dated 14 January 1992 as
a supplement to Regulation No. 2092/91, detailed information was provided on compliance
by countries that export organic products to the European Community, that these countries
put into practice the legislation of these nations and a file containing various technical and
administrative matters that were included within this legislation were made compulsory in
export applications to the European Community.
In order to harmonize with these developments in the European Community, the Ministry
of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, together with the cooperation of various organizations
and corporations commenced with preparatory activities for a regulation and the
“Regulation Relating to the Production of Agricultural and Livestock Products by Ecological
Methods” came into force with its publication in the Official Gazette No. 22145 of 24.12.1994.
Revisions were made to this Regulation in 1995 and subsequently a new Regulation was
published in 2002.
The draft law relating to the production, consumption and inspection of organic products
took place within the emergency action plan of the Government and “No. 5262 on Organic
Farming Law” was published in the Official Gazette No. 25659 dated 03.12.2004. The
“Regulation Relating to the Procedures and Implementation of Organic Farming” prepared
in accordance with Law No. 5262 came into force with its publication in the Official Gazette
No. 25841 of 10.06.2005. This regulation was revised three times bearing in mind
harmonization with EU legislation and the conditions pertaining to each country.
The “Regulation Relating to the Procedures and Implementation of Organic Farming” that is
harmonized with the new legislation of the EU came into effect with its publication in the
Official Gazette No. 27676 dated 18.08.2010 (Anonymous, 2011a).
Ecological farming is a production activity that is subject to controlled and certification.
Procedures involving control and certification on ecological farming activities in Turkey are
conducted by private corporations authorized by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Livestock in accordance with Article 11 of the Organic Farming Law.
Based on this Article, domestic and/or foreign private and official organizations that wish
to carry out control and certification procedures in Turkey must apply to the Ecological
Farming Commission of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Prior to this
application, foreign organizations must obtain the appropriate work permit from the Prime
Ministry Undersecretariat of the Treasury. The Ecological Farming Commission issues an
ecological farming supervision and certification permit for a particular time period after
reviewing and approving the organization in question.
Since organic farming is in the form of contractual farming, control is regular record keeping
of production from start to finish, observing the production process, reporting the results of
the observations and testing and supervising the organic qualities of the product through
laboratory analysis.
The product obtained using organic farming methods by the supervised grower,
determining whether it is of organic quality and registration of certification are undertaken
by authorized supervision and certification organization. These organizations receive their
authority from the Ecological Farming Commission of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Up to the present time, the authority to control and certify organic farming in Turkey on
behalf of the Ministry has been given to 17 control organizations. While on the one hand
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