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17.3.3 Environment
A TMK model of an agent in the TMKL2 language includes a description of the
agent's knowledge of the world. In particular, the agent's Environment comprises a
set of typed Instances and Triples (3-tuples) relating the Instances to each other. In
order to describe Instances and Triples, TMKL2 provides two modeling constructs,
Concepts and Relations.
A Concept is a description of a set of similar Instances. It is defined in terms of a
set of typed Properties. Moreover, Concepts are organized in an inheritance hierarchy
promoting compositionality and reuse. There is a built-in concept called Concept.
When a Model is constructed, Instances of a Concept are automatically added to it
for each defined Concept, enabling reflection by the agent over its own definition.
Relations in TMKL2 allow the modeling of associations among Instances. In
particular, an Instance of one Concept can be related to Instance of another via a
17.3.4 Example Model
Figure 17.2 illustrates part of the TMK model of an agent, called Alice , capable of
playing a simplified version of Freeciv. In the simplified Freeciv, a city is either
producing a warrior or collecting gold pieces on any given turn, and Alice can win
by collecting 185 pieces of gold. The figure illustrates GAIA's visual syntax for the
TMKL2 language. The partial model includesAlice's top-level Goals andOrganizers.
Fig. 17.2 TMKL2 Model of a Freeciv agent
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