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25. Manurung, R., Ritchie, G., Thompson, H.: Using genetic algorithms to createmeaningful poetic
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26. Misztal, J., Indurkhya, B.: Poetry generation system with an emotional personality. In: Pro-
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27. Netzer, Y., Gabay, D., Goldberg, Y., Elhadad, M.: Gaiku: generating haiku with word associ-
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28. Ramakrishnan, A., Devi, S.L.: An alternate approach towards meaningful lyric generation in
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29. Ramakrishnan, A., Kuppan, S., Devi, S.L.: Automatic generation of Tamil lyrics for melodies.
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30. Reiter, E., Dale, R.: Building Natural Language Generation Systems. Cambridge University
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31. Ritchie, G.,Manurung, R., Pain, H.,Waller, A., Black, R., O'Mara, D.: Apractical application of
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32. Toivanen, J.M., Gross, O., Toivonen, H.: The officer is taller than you, who race yourself! using
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33. Toivanen, J.M., Järvisalo, M., Toivonen, H.: Harnessing constraint programming for poetry
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34. Wong, M.T., Chun, A.H.W.: Automatic haiku generation using VSM. In: Proceeding of 7th
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35. Yan, R., Jiang, H., Lapata, M., Lin, S.-D., Lv, X., Li, X.: I, poet: automatic chinese poetry
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