Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information (meta)Preparation
Is this a new domain with its own background knowledge, etc? How should knowl-
edge be represented at this abstract level? Does (already) knowing the base domain
suggest the strategy? Is there some abstract exploration strategy domain that an agent
must master before it can reasonably expect any success at this level? Or, perhaps
there is often not much to consider here, and one just hops between meta- and base-
level steps 2-4… (meta)Incubation
How does the agent make connections at this level? How are abstract connections
related to base-level connections? Another way to think about this is that the agent
is looking for ways to structure the base space so that it is easy to explore. So, the
dual problem is one of representation rather than one of exploration strategy—if the
agent can re-represent the base domain so that, for example, it is (approximately)
concave, the exploration problem becomes trivial. (meta)Insight
This is still an “Aha!” moment. Or not. The same arguments apply as were given for
the base level. (meta)Evaluation
The agent now has some (meta)aesthetic for recognizing a good search strat-
egy/representation, which suggests the following interesting philosophical question:
Can an agent recognize this (meta)aesthetic without recognizing where it points in
the base search (and thus already solving the base problem)? A more concrete version
of this question is the following: is it possible to recognize a good fitness function
without knowing what objects score well under that function? (meta)Elaboration
In many cases, this likely degenerates to simply applying the exploration strategy
(or the re-representation) back in the base domain. There may be situations in which
the search strategy or re-representation itself is of general interest and perhaps even
supersedes anything discovered in the base domain to which it applies. In such cases,
consideration must be given to communicating the (meta)discovery and its import.
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