Travel Reference
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Coffee shop Kissaten
Japanese pub Izakaya or Nomiya
Western food Yooshoku
Japanese food Washoku
Breakfast Chooshoku
Lunch Ohiru/lanchi
Dinner Yuushoku
I'd like to make a reservation.
Yoyaku oneigai shimasu.
I'd like to pay the bill.
Okanjyoo o oneigai shimasu.
Menu Menyu
Japanese green tea
Black (Indian) tea
Coffee Koohi
Water Mizu
Lunch or daily special, set menu
Teishoku (Japanese food)
Lunch or daily special, set menu
Coosu, or seto (usually Western food)
What do you recommend to eat?
Nani ga osusume desu ka?
This is delicious. Oishii desu.
Thank you for the meal. Gochisoo-sama deshita.
I would like a fork, please. Fooku o kudasai.
I would like a spoon, please. Supuun o kudasai.
I would like a knife, please. Naifu o kudasai.
May I have some more, please? (if you're asking for liquid, such as more coffee, or
food) Moo sukoshi kudasai?
May I have some more, please? (if you're asking for another bottle—say, of soda or
sake) Moo ippon kudasai?
May I have some more, please? (if asking for another cup—say, of coffee or tea)
Moo ippai kudasai?
I would like sake, please. Osake o kudasai.
I would like a cup of coffee, please.
Koohi o ippai kudasai.
I would like the set meal, please.
Seto o kudasai or Teishoku o kudasai.
Soda Tansan
Salt Shio
Pepper Koshoo
Baked Yaku
Fried Ageru/furai
Not fried Agemonode nai
Broiled Yaku
Steamed Musu
Grilled Yaki
Well done
Yoku yaku
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