Java Reference
In-Depth Information
At the top of the diagram is the Object class. It is the ultimate superclass. If a class is created and no superclass is
specified, Object is automatically defined as the superclass. Because we never defined a superclass for Employee and
EmployeeApp, both were defined as subclasses of Object .
The online Java documentation shows the class hierarchy. For instance, at the top of the Frame page (Figure 3-9 )
notice that the superclasses are listed (first arrow) and match Figure 3-8 . The second arrow points to any Frame
subclasses. In this case, there is only oneā€”the Swing component JFrame (which is not shown in Figure 3-8 ).
Figure 3-9.
In addition, the online documentation shows all methods inherited from the superclasses (this information
follows the class method listing, see Figure 3-10 ). Notice that the setBounds method is inherited from the Window
class. (If you scroll back to the Frame method list, you will see that there is no entry for setBounds. This list only
includes those methods explicitly defined in the Frame class.) As a matter of fact, every subclass of the Window class
inherits this method. Can you feel the power of inheritance yet?
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