Java Reference
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If the comments have been removed from EmployeeApp, the line number 10 in the third line of the message
will be 7. Because displayName's access modifier is now private , only methods within Employee can access
displayName. In other words, EmployeeApp cannot use the private displayName method because EmployeeApp
is a different class.
Notice that in the Navigation tree RAD has flagged EmployeeApp, the package, and the project as having an error.
Click on the Content pane's tab to display the source code.
Notice that RAD has also flagged line 10 as in error.
We will change EmployeeApp and Employee so that the displayName method is called from within Employee not
In EmployeeApp, select the entire statement on line 10:
Click Edit and Cut to remove the line of code.
Redisplay the source code for (i.e., Click the Content pane Employee tab).
10. Move your cursor to the end of line 8 and press Enter to insert a blank line after
empName = name;
11. Click Edit and then Paste to place emp.displayName(); on line 9.
Notice that the line is flagged as an error and emp has a red squiggly line beneath it.
Because we are trying to run displayName from within the Employee class, we can't refer to the variable emp
that was created in EmployeeApp. We must specify that we want to execute the displayName method within this
(i.e., the Employee) object/class.
On line 9, replace emp with this so that the statement looks like the following:
this .displayName();
The executable code should look like the following:
package myFirstPackage;
public class Employee {
String empName = new String();
public Employee(String name) {
empName = name;
this .displayName();
private void displayName() {
There is a shorter and simpler syntax for identifying/running a method within the same class: simply specify
the method name, parentheses, and a semicolon as in the following:
Are you wondering, “How/why does this work?” Well, because an object is not specified (i.e., emp in
emp .displayName( ); is not specified), the JVM assumes that the displayName method is in the same class (Employee).
However, because this seems like “magic” we will continue to use the token this for clarity.
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