Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Conditions window will be displayed, which allows the programmer to select only certain rows from a table
based on the value of a particular column (i.e., field). To specify a condition, display a list of all the column names in
the table by clicking the drop down button to the right of the Column field, then select a field. Next, choose from a
standard list of comparison operators (=, <, >, etc.) and, finally, define a value (or another field that contains a value)
to compare the field to. In this case, we want only the rows where the state field has a value of OK.
Specify the values as seen in Figure 12-21 and click the OK button.
Figure 12-21.
The filters window will be redisplayed with the new filter condition. From this window more filter conditions
can be added (and connected with ANDs and ORs) or filter conditions can be edited and deleted by selecting the
condition and clicking the appropriate icon (pencil for edit, X for delete).
Click the Close button and then the Finish button to save the changes to allEmpsRRL.
Save AllEmps and refresh the browser window that is currently displaying AllEmps.
The browser window will display the two employees from Oklahoma and list them in descending order by
payrate (as seen Figure 12-22 ).
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