Java Reference
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Each of the property tags should specify ShipBean as the Name. For the date and time values, use the rcvDate and
rcvTime properties, rather than the six individual properties that make up the date and time.
In ConfirmDel.jsp, add a form with an action of ConfirmDel.jsp when the request type is get .
In the ConfirmDel.jsp form, add text, a getProperty tag for the shipment number, and a
confirm button (named ConfirmBtn) as seen in Figure 11-21 .
Figure 11-21.
In ConfirmDel.jsp, add if tags to check if the request is a GET (yes, it must be capitalized)
and if so, insert the delShip tags and a JSP forward tag to ConfirmDel.html.
Override the JavaSource/c11/DeleteShip doStartTag method to get the ShipBean (using
the PageContext object) and execute its doDelete method.
Place the following text in ConfirmDel.html: The shipment has been deleted.
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