Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Copy the following Employee application files from Tutorials/c10, into ReviewEx/c10:
AppOptions DBAccess Employee
EmpNumFrame EmpOptions EnterEmpInfo
At the Confirm Overwriting window, click the Yes To All button.
If you are accessing a DB2 or Oracle DBMS, add the External JAR to point to the
appropriate driver. If you are accessing an Access table, import the TNTDB DB from
Tutorials into ReviewEx.
Run TNT and verify that the Employee application works correctly.
In the Shipment Options frame, add checkboxes called updShipCB and dltShipCB to the
frame and checkbox group. Shipment Options frame should look like Figure 10-14 .
Figure 10-14.
Add the item listener to the two checkboxes by adding the following statements in the
appropriate getter methods (hint: if unsure of how to do this, look at the other checkboxes'
getter methods):
updShipCB.addItemListener( this );
dltShipCB.addItemListener( this );
In AppOptions, change the following statement in the ItemStateChanged method:
else if (shipAppCB.getState())
System.out.println("Sorry that application is not " + "available");
else if (shipAppCB.getState()){
ShipOptions so = new ShipOptions();}
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