Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9-30.
Changing to the Preview pane will not show the new drop-down menus. To see the drop-down menus, the JSP
must be run on the server. However, before we do that we must change the servlet to use the drop-down menus
instead of the deleted text field, DateRcvdTF.
In ShipInfoServlet, replace the following statement:
with the following statement that retrieves and formats the date information from the beans:
req.getParameter("MonthDDM") + "/" + req.getParameter("DayDDM")
+ "/" + req.getParameter("YearDDM")
Run EnterShipInfoJSP on the server.
The EnterShipInfoJSP should be displayed in a Web Browser (see Figure 9-31 ) with the current date.
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