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In the JSP Tags tray click on Forward and then in the Design view, click between the
innermost braces in the Choose icon (the innermost braces represent the when tags).
The Insert JSP Forward window will be displayed.
At the Insert JSP Forward window, click the Browse button, select File, then expand the
WebContent folder, select DispEmpInfoJSP.jsp and click the OK button.
The Insert JSP Forward window will now have DispEmpInfoJSP.jsp as the Page name.
Click the OK button.
The forward tag should be within the when tag and the source code should look like the following:
<c:if test='${pageContext.request.method=="POST"}'>
<c:when test='${param.functionLB == "Display"}'>
<jsp:forward page="../DispEmpInfoJSP.jsp">
Got to post
As you can see, you must be a bit of a sharpshooter to use the Page Designer GUI to insert within tags. Sometimes
it's easier to copy the code from somewhere else and modify it.
Using either the GUI or cut-and-paste, add two more when tags inside the choose tag that
check for values of “Gross” and “TaxAmt” and forward to the appropriate JSP.
Remove the text “Got to post.”
The tag icons in the Design view should look like Figure 9-23 .
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