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The For Loop icon will be displayed.
Switch to the Source view and notice that the following tags were inserted:
<c:forEach items=""></c:forEach>
Just like HTML tags, many JSTL tags have an open and close tag. The JSTL syntax is a little more involved than the
HTML tags but we can easily avoid the syntax by using RAD's Properties view. First, we will add the text we want and
then delete the scriptlets.
In between the forEach start and end tags, add the following text, “Howdy from the
forEach tags!”
The tags and text should look like the following:
<c:forEach items="">Howdy from the forEach tags!</c:forEach>
In the source, delete the two scriptlets and the old text.
Switch to the Design view.
Notice that the scriptlet icons and the old text are no longer displayed.
Click on the forEach icon and switch to the Properties view.
RAD should look like Figure 9-3 .
Figure 9-3.
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