Java Reference
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The Text Editors pane is displayed on the right of the window. The checkboxes and text fields provide control
over various options. Notice that the “Show line numbers” checkbox is not selected.
Click the “Show line numbers” checkbox to select it.
Click the Apply button and then the OK button.
The line numbers are now displayed to the left of each line (see Figure 1-19 ).
Figure 1-19.
Click to the right of the open brace on line 8.
RAD placed a gray box around the matching brace on line 13. When you click to the right of a paired token
(e.g., a bracket, brace or parenthesis), RAD will identify the matching token by enclosing it in a gray rectangle.
Being able to match paired tokens is extremely useful as an application's source code grows in size. The “Highlight
matching brackets” option in the Java/Editor category within Preferences controls this feature.
On line 10 in EmployeeApp, delete the semicolon at the end of the statement. RAD puts a
red squiggly line under the closing parenthesis. Remember, a red squiggly line means RAD
thinks there is a problem.
Move your mouse pointer over the red squiggly line.
RAD will display a “hover” message saying a semicolon is missing. If you click on or in the space before the red
squiggly line, the error message will be displayed in the RAD window bottom border on the left.
Notice that RAD does a good job of identifying the missing semicolon problem.
Save the source code. RAD places an error icon to the left of the line.
Type the semicolon at the end of line 10. The error icon to the left of the line becomes
inactive but is still visible. RAD is reminding you that the fix to the code is not saved.
Save the code to remove all error messages and error icons.
Go to line 9 and remove the equal sign.
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