Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-13.
the source folder and package names are already specified. Because myFirstpackage was selected in step 1,
raD assumed that was where the class should be created. a different project and package can be specified by simply
entering their names in the appropriate fields or clicking the Browse buttons next to each field.
Specify EmployeeApp in the Name field. Notice that the access modifier public has
already been selected. Other modifiers can be chosen by clicking the other modifier
option's radio button or check boxes.
Make sure the main method option is the only method stub option selected. Since
EmployeeApp will be run as an application, it needs a main method. By checking the
“main method” option, RAD will automatically generate an empty main method
(e.g., a stub) relieving you from having to code it.
Click the Finish button to create the class and redisplay the Java perspective (see Figure 1-14 ).
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