Java Reference
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Figure 6-5.
Save the source and run the application.
Notice that the else statements are executed.
Change the calculation so that the pay rate is 15.50, save and print the source code,
and run the application.
Notice that the appropriate statements are executed when the condition is true.
Tutorial: Tax Calculation—Part I
In Tutorial/c6.Employee:
Create two private class variables of type double called taxAmt and taxSal.
Create a new public method called fedTaxCalc that returns the variable taxAmt and
expects 2 parameters: a double variable called payRate and an int variable
called exemptions.
Based on the taxSal calculation in Figure 6-1 , in the fedTaxCalc method, enter the formula
to calculate the value of taxSal.
Inside the fedTaxCalc method, enter an if statement that sets taxAmt to zero if taxSal is less
than or equal to 50 but 100 if taxSal is not less than or equal to 50.
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