Java Reference
In-Depth Information
private void initialize() {
cSZLbl= new Label();
cSZLbl.setBounds( new Rectangle(64, 318, 270, 51));
cSZLbl.setBackground(Color. yellow );
cSZLbl.setForeground(Color. blue );
cSZLbl.setFont( new Font("Dialog", Font. PLAIN , 26));
cSZLbl.setText(emp.getEmpCity()+", " +
emp.getEmpState()+" " +
streetLbl= new Label();
streetLbl.setBounds( new Rectangle(65, 259, 270, 51));
streetLbl.setBackground(Color. yellow );
streetLbl.setForeground(Color. blue );
streetLbl.setFont( new Font("Dialog", Font. PLAIN , 26));
nameLbl= new Label();
nameLbl.setLocation( new Point(64, 200));
nameLbl.setBackground(Color. yellow );
nameLbl.setForeground(Color. blue );
nameLbl.setFont( new Font("Dialog", Font. PLAIN , 26));
nameLbl.setSize( new Dimension(270, 51));
this .setSize( new Dimension(400, 450));
this .setTitle("Employee Information");
this .setBackground(Color. lightGray );
this .setVisible( true );
this .add(nameLbl, null );
this .add(streetLbl, null );
this .add(cSZLbl, null );
this .setExitButtonLocation();
Results of the Tutorial
Here is what we have as a result of the tutorial:
A new package called c4, with six java files.
EmployeeApp changed as specified in the Tutorial.
UsefulFrame, ExitButton, and EmployeeFrame defined as specified in Tutorial.
To verify that the tutorial was done correctly:
Run EmployeeApp and verify the EmployeeFrame is displayed as in Figure 4-20 .
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