Database Reference
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Now, reinitiate the recovery process:
SQL> recover database using backup controlfile;
The recovery process prompts for an archive redo log that doesn't exist:
ORA-00279: change 3584513 generated at 11/02/2012 11:50:50 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /u01/oraarch/O12C/1_10_798283209.dbf
ORA-00280: change 3584513 for thread 1 is in sequence #10
Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
Instead of supplying the recovery process with an archive redo log file, type in the name of a current online redo
log file (you may have to attempt each online redo log until you find the one that Oracle needs). This instructs the
recovery process to apply any redo in the online redo log:
You should see this message when the correct online redo log is applied:
Log applied.
Media recovery complete.
Step 5. Open the Database with RESETLOGS
The database is completely recovered at this point. However, because a backup control file was used for the recovery
process, the database must be opened with the RESETLOGS clause:
SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
Upon success, you should see this:
Database altered.
Performing an Incomplete Recovery of an Archivelog Mode
Incomplete recovery means that you don't restore all transactions that were committed before the failure. With this
type of recovery, you're recovering to a point in time in the past, and transactions are lost. This is why incomplete
recovery is also known as database point-in-time recovery (DBPITR).
Incomplete recovery doesn't mean that you're restoring and recovering only a subset of data files. In fact,
with most incomplete scenarios, you have to restore all data files from the backup as part of the procedure. If you
don't want to recover all data files, you first need to take offline any data files you don't intend to participate in the
incomplete recovery process. When you initiate the recovery, Oracle will only recover data files that have an ONLINE
value in the STATUS column of V$DATAFILE_HEADER .
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