Database Reference
In-Depth Information
At this point, Oracle uses the SCN in the data file header to determine which archive redo log or online redo log to
use to begin applying redo. You can view the starting log sequence number that RMAN will use to begin the recovery
process via the following query:
HXFNM file_name
,HXFIL file_num
,FHTNM tablespace_name
,FHTHR thread
,FHRBA_SEQ sequence
from X$KCVFH
where FHTNM = 'USERS';
If all the redo required is in the online redo logs, Oracle applies that redo and displays this message:
Media recovery complete.
If Oracle needs to apply redo that is only contained in archived redo logs (meaning that the online redo log that
contained the appropriate redo has already been overwritten), you're prompted with a recommendation from Oracle
as to which archive redo log to apply first:
ORA-00279: change 3502285 generated at 11/02/2012 10:49:39 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /u01/oraarch/O12C/1_1_798283209.dbf
ORA-00280: change 3502285 for thread 1 is in sequence #1
Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
You can press Enter or Return ( <RET> ) to have Oracle apply the suggested archive redo log file, specify a file name,
specify AUTO to instruct Oracle to apply any suggested files automatically, or type CANCEL to cancel out of the recovery
In this example, specify AUTO . Oracle applies all redo in all archive redo log files and online redo log files to
perform a complete recovery:
The last message displayed after all required archive redo and online redo have been applied is this:
Log applied.
Media recovery complete.
Step 4. Alter Your Database Open
After the media recovery is complete, you can open your database:
SQL> alter database open;
You can now verify that the transaction you committed just prior to the media failure was restored and recovered:
SQL> select * from foo;
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