Database Reference
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When you disable block change tracking, oracle will automatically delete the block change tracking file.
Checking for Corruption in Data Files and Backups
You can use RMAN to check for corruption in data files, archive redo logs, and control files. You can also verify
whether a backup set is restorable. The RMAN VALIDATE command is used to perform these types of integrity checks.
There are three ways you can run the VALIDATE command:
the stand-alone VALIDATE command is available in oracle 11g and higher. the BACKUP...VALIDATE and
RESTORE...VALIDATE commands are available in oracle 10g and higher.
The VALIDATE command can be used stand-alone to check for missing files or physical corruption in database data
files, archive redo log files, control files, spfile s, and backup set pieces. For example, this command will validate
all data files and the control files:
RMAN> validate database;
You can also validate just the control file, as follows:
RMAN> validate current controlfile;
You can validate the archive redo log files, like so:
RMAN> validate archivelog all;
You may want to combine all the prior integrity checks into one command, as shown:
RMAN> validate database include current controlfile plus archivelog;
Under normal conditions the VALIDATE command only checks for physical corruption. You can specify that you
also want to check for logical corruption by using the CHECK LOGICAL clause:
RMAN> validate check logical database include current controlfile plus archivelog;
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