Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Make sure that you do not change rs4 's _id to 2. This will confuse the replica set. If
you are adding new nodes to the set, use JavaScript's push function to add elements
with _id s 4, 5, etc. If you are both adding and removing nodes, you can dive into the
confusion that is the JavaScript splice function (or you can just use push and slice ).
Now increment the version number ( config.version ). This tells the other servers that
this is the new configuration and they should update themselves accordingly.
Now triple-check over your config document. If you mess up the config, you can com-
pletely hose your replica set configuration. To be clear: nothing bad will happen to your
data, but you may have to shut everything down and blow away the local database on
all of the servers. So make sure this config references the correct servers, no one's _id
has changed out from under them, and you haven't made any non-arbiters arbiters or
visa versa.
Once you're absolutely, completely sure that this is the configuration that you want,
shut down the server. Then, restart it with its usual options ( --replSet and its standard
port). In a few seconds, the other member(s) will connect to it, update their configu-
ration, and elect a new master.
Further reading:
Using slice
Using push
Possible replica set options
Tip #43: --shardsvr and --configsvr aren't required
The documentation seems to imply that these are required when you set up sharding,
but they are not. Basically, they just change the port (which can seriously mess up an
existing replica set): --shardsvr changes the port to 27018 and --configsvr changes it
to 27019. If you are setting up multiple servers across multiple machines, this is to help
you connect the right things together: all mongos processes on 27017, all shards on
27018, all config servers on 27019. This setup does make everything a lot easier to keep
track of if you're building a cluster from scratch, but don't worry too much about it if
you have an existing replica set that you're turning into a shard.
--configsvr not only changes the default port but turns on the diaglog , a log that keeps
every action the config database performs in a replayable format, just in case. If you're
using version 1.6, you should use --port 27019 and --diaglog , as --configsvr only
turns on the diaglog in 1.6.5+. If you're using 1.8, use --port 27019 and --journal
(instead of --diaglog ). Journaling gives you much the same effect as the diaglog with
less of a performance hit.
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