Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Decision Theory
In Part II, we will explore the roots of what goes into making decisions.
Chapter 4, “Defining Decision Theory,� looks at the two major types of
decision theory, their uses, their weaknesses, and how they can be blended together.
Chapter 5, “Game Theory,� walks through some of the classic decision scenarios
and investigates what we can glean from them to use in our own games.
In Chapter 6, “Rational vs. Irrational Behavior,� we discuss the differences
between purely rational behaviors, purely irrational behaviors, and seemingly irra-
tional behaviors that actually make sense.
Chapter 7, “The Concept of Utility,� explains how objective measurements in
the world can be converted to a perspective that an artificial intelligence (AI) agent
can understand.
Chapter 8, “Marginal Utility,� explores how the utility of an object or action
is sometimes a moving target that changes based on the perspective of the observer.
Chapter 9, “Relative Utility,� discusses how the utility of one object or action
can be compared, contrasted, and even combined with the utility of another object
or action, and how this can either assist in a higher goal or lead to conflicting infor-
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