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To accommodate this, we need to abandon using the index of the vector as our x
value. Instead, we create a struct that contains data for both x and y . We then can
create a vector composed of that struct.
struct sELEMENT
int x;
double y;
typedef std::vector< sELEMENT > ELEMENT_VECTOR;
ELEMENT_VECTOR mvElementVector;
Entering Data
Filling the vector with the equation results is not much different with this new
twist. Instead of simply pushing a y value onto the next element of the vector, we
now store both the x and y value in an sELEMENT and push the whole thing onto the
end of the vector.
void CLinearFunction::FillVector( int Low, int High )
sELEMENT thisElement;
for ( int x = Low; x <= High; x++ ) {
thisElement.x = x;
thisElement.y = ( -2 * x ) + 100;
mvElementVector.push_back( thisElement );
} // end for
If, as we stated above, we want to store the data for x values from 125 to 165, we
call FillVector with:
FillVector( 125, 165 );
By running this new version of FillVector , we fill mvElementVector with 41
entries. The x values range from 125 to 165, with the corresponding y values being
the result of our function.
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