Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Normal-scale CDM projects
these include
projects which are neither small-scale pro-
jects nor afforestation/reforestation projects.
4. Small-scale A/R CDM projects
Review de
nitions and procedures.
Acceleration of operational entities.
ning the operational procedures and stan-
dards for CDM.
include projects that result in net removals of
green house gases in the form of sinks by
less than 16 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide per
year and projects developed and imple-
mented by low-income countries and indi-
viduals determined by the host party.
5. Normal-scale A/R CDM projects
Giving recommendations to the EB for various
procedures and guidelines about CDM projects.
Maintaining a register of CDM projects.
b. Methodologies Panel
The Methodologies Panel or Meth Panel has
been set up for preparing recommendations to
the executive board for the methodologies to be
adopted for baselines and monitoring plans. It
gives recommendations for new baselines and
monitoring methods for new proposals. The
Methodologies Panel also submits recommen-
dations for expanding the applicability of
methodologies and gives options to the project
participants for choosing from methodologies
of resembling nature.
Among the other functions of this panel is also
to maintain a roster of experts the appraisal of
proposed new methodologies.
c. Accreditation Panel
The accreditation panel is responsible for guid-
ing the EB with the procedure for accrediting
operational entities. It assesses the applications
of the applicant or the designated operational
entity and prepares a report for the EB.
d. Working Groups
Anumber ofworking groups are also involved in
the CDM process. These include the following:
include projects not included in the small-
scale A/R CDM projects.
6. Energy sector projects such as renewable
and non-renewable sources of energy.
7. CDM projects related to manufacturing
industries and chemical industries leading to
reduction in emissions of green house gases.
8. Construction sector CDM projects.
9. Transport sector CDM projects.
10. CDM projects related to mining/mineral pro-
duction, metal production, fugitive emissions,
solvent use, waste handling and disposal.
11. CDM projects related to agriculture sector.
Institutions and Bodies Related to Carbon
Trading and CDM
CDM is a process under the Kyoto Protocol
which involves different institutions and bodies
for overseeing its implementation. These include
the following:
a. COP and Executive Board
The Conference of parties to the UNFCCC is
the apex body for CDM and takes the policy
decisions and issues guidelines through the
Meetings of Parties. The Executive Board or
EB oversees CDM mechanisms. It is com-
prised of ten members,
Afforestation and reforestation working group
for A/R CDM projects.
Small-scale working group for small CDM
e. Designated Operational Entity
The designated operational entity or DOE
conducts the third-party validation of
ve from UN groups,
two each from Annex I and non-Annex I
countries and one from small island developing
states. The meetings of EB are held after every
project design and also veri
reductions of emissions. The DOE could be a
domestic legal entity or an international body
approved by the EB and con
es and certi
3 months.
Its functions include the following:
￿ Lay down and modify existing guidelines for
baseline information, monitoring and project
rmed by the
COP in its meeting of parties. The main
functions of the DOE are the following:
Validation of the CDM projects
cation and certi
cation of the CDMprojects
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