Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.24 False-colour
Landsat satellite images of
Chilika Lake after six days
of the occurrence of Phailin
in 2013, when the coastline
had been breached. Image
source USGS/NASA;
visualization by UNEP/
GRID-Sioux Falls
(Froberg 2013 ). However, early warning alerts,
disseminated four days before Phailin struck
land, allowed for the evacuation of approxi-
mately 400,000 people on or by 11 October
(Senapati 2013 ). Ultimately, a total of nearly
1.2 million people were evacuated (GoO 2013 ),
resulting in the largest evacuation operation in
India in 23 years (IFRC 2013 ). Early warning
also allowed for the relocation of more than
30,000 animals. A total of 21 lives were lost as a
result of the cyclone and an additional 23 lives
due to severe
Odisha, India) and Sanjiba Kumar Baliarsingh,
Project Scientist B, Ocean Colour Applications
Advisory Services and Satellite Oceanography
Group, Indian National Centre for Ocean Infor-
mation Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences,
Govt. of India and observed a hike in salinity
value in Gopalpur creek (Table 7.6 ; Fig. 7.25 )
due to intrusion of saline water from Bay of
Bengal (Fig. 7.26 ). Although the aquatic pH
(Table 7.7 ; Fig. 7.27 ) did not exhibit any sig-
cant alteration, but DO, Chlorophyll
ooding in the aftermath of
the cyclone (GoO 2013 ).
Chilika Lake in Odisha (a maritime State in
the East coast of India) is the largest coastal
lagoon and home to a large number of endan-
gered animal and plant species. With a speed of
phytoplankton count exhibited signi
cant varia-
tion (
< 0.01), (Tables 7.8 , 7.9 , 7.10 and
Figs. 7.28 , 7.29 and 7.30 ) which may be attrib-
uted due to intrusion of stenohaline phytoplank-
ton from Bay of Bengal along with sea water into
the Gopalpur creek. The signi
cant rise in chlo-
220 km/h, Phailin breached the Chilika
coastline (Figs. 7.23 and 7.24 ) and there was
considerable intrusion of saline water. Man-
groves were uprooted in large scale.
We conducted a study with the knowledge
participation of Prof. K.C. Sahu (Head, Depart-
ment of Marine Science, Behrampur University,
a consequence of rise in phyto-
plankton population may have occurred as a
result of sea water intrusion.
F.6. Haiyan and Blue Carbon
On 8 November 2013, Haiyan (known locally as
Yolanda) with a speed around 250 km h 1
became the strongest typhoon to make landfall
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