Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
29. National Museum of Sculpture, Valladolid
The national museum of sculpture shows the richness of the art form in Spain, especially
from the 13 th Century onwards. Located in the Church of San Gregorio, one of the architec-
tural, gems of the Spanish Renaissance, the building itself is part of the display.
There are two main collections: one of original pieces and one of high-quality copies made
during the 19 th and 20 th Centuries. Originals are in in polychromatic wood, remarkable
for their technical quality and emotional strength. The collection includes reliefs, stalls, al-
tarpieces and religious scenes. Artists include Alejo de Vahía, Alfonso Berruguete and Juan
de Juni .
The collection of copies gives a fascinating insight into the evolution of copying techniques
that over time allowed artisans to create better reproductions. This collection features copies
of works from several civilizations, such as the classic antiquity, the oriental empires and the
European Middle Ages. The museum also includes a sizeable collection of paintings from
the same historical period of the sculptures, with works by artists like Rubens , Berruguete
and Zurbarán .
Image Credit: The holy burial, by Juan de Juni. Image by José Manuel Benito Álvarez.
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