Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
[228]. In parallel, adjustment of the cytoplasmic compartment is achieved via production of
Na + and Cl are generally compartmentalized in the vacuole and/or in less sensitive tissues
lower the tissue-osmotic potential. To avoid the risk of ion toxicity associated with this strategy,
Uptake of abundantly available Na + and Cl therefore, offers a comparatively cheap way to
penetrate the hydration shells of proteins and interfere with the function of these proteins.
nitrate and calcium, ion cytotoxicity and osmotic stress. Under salinity, ions like Na + and Cl -
growth, causing nutritional constraints by decreasing uptake of phosphorus, potassium,
and drought are closely related and the mechanisms overlap. Salinity is detrimental to plant
water stress signaling have focused on salt stress, primarily because plant responses to salt
Drought stress signaling certainly merits separate treatment. Nevertheless, most studies on
a mean annual precipitation of between 250 and 500 mm.
without rainfall, arid lands have less than 250 mm of annual rainfall, and semiarid lands have
based upon mean precipitation. Extremely arid lands have at least 12 consecutive months
[30]. Meigs [30] developed a widely used system for classifying water-limited environments
desert is after all a desert) but water-limited environments can be difficult to classify precisely
Climates with Cold Winters; and E, Polar Climates. The Dry Climates are easily recognized (a
B, Dry Climates; C, Moist Mid-latitude Climates with Mild Winters; D, Moist Mid-latitude
Climate Classification System recognizes five major climatic types: A, Tropical Moist Climates;
damaging [1; 3]. Temperature and precipitation are key determinants of climate. The Koppen
[4]. Compared to salt stress, the problem of drought is even more pervasive and economically
potential. Salt stress afflicts agriculture in many parts of the world, particularly irrigated lands
because these adverse environmental factors prevent plants from realizing their full genetic
Drought and salt stress, together with low temperature, are major problems for agriculture
1. Introduction
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Kourosh Vahdati and Naser Lotfi
Drought and Salinity Stresses in Walnut
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants with Emphasizing on
Chapter 10
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