Agriculture Reference
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PROTEIN 33 ) is a transcription factor that is involved in ABA and GA signaling and is the
target of hvu-MIR159a [7].
Identified miRNA related to drought
osa-MIR170, osa-MIR172, osa-MIR397, osa-MIR408,
osa-MIR529, osa-MIR896, osa-MIR1030, osa-MIR1035, osa-MIR1050,
osa-MIR1088, osa-MIR1126, osa-MIR395, osa-MIR474, osa-MIR845,
osa-MIR851, osa-MIR854, osa-MIR901, osa-MIR903 and osa-MIR1125,
osa-MIR156, osa-MIR168, osa-MIR170, osa-MIR171, osa-MIR172, osa-
MIR319, osa-MIR396, osa-MIR397, osa-MIR408
gma-MIR166-5p, gma-MIR169f-3p, gma-MIR1513c,
gma-MIR397ab, gma-MIR-Seq13, gma-MIR-Seq11,
gma-MIRSeq15, gma-MIR166f, gma-MIR-482bd-3p,
gma-MIR4415b, gma-MIR-Seq07
zma-MIR161, zma-MIR397, zma-MIR446, zma-MIR479, zma-MIR530,
zma-MIR776, zma-MIR782, zma-MIR815a, zma-MIR818a, zma-
MIR820, zma-MIR828, zma-MIR834, zmaMIR1, zma-MIR2, zma-MIR3,
zma-MIR4, zma-MIR5, zma-MIR6, zma-MIR7, zma-MIR8, zma-MIR9
hvu-MIR156, hvu-MIR166, hvu-MIR171, hvu-MIR408
hvu-MIRn026a, hvu-MIRn029, hvu-MIR035, hvu-MIR156d, hvu-
MIR396d, hvu-MIR399b
* red indicates down-regulation by drought, green indicates up-regulation by drought, blue indicates regulation op‐
posite to that observed in Arabidopsis, black indicates no information about regulation by drought
Table 3. miRNA related to drought in different crop species.
6. From the cell to the organism level - Phenotyping of drought-treated
In order to understand gene-to-phenotype relationships in the plant response to drought
stress, it is vital to decipher the physiological and genetic bases of this process. Recent ad‐
vances in crop physiology, genomics and plant phenotyping have provided a broader
knowledge and better tools for crop improvement under stress conditions [120]. Maintain‐
ing a high yield under drought conditions has become a priority for breeders. However, the
physiological basis of yield maintenance under drought is not yet fully understood, of the
complexity of the mechanisms that plants can use to maintain growth in conditions due to
water deficit [120]. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for genes conferring a yield benefit under
drought conditions first need to be identified in phenotypic screens and then incorporated
into crops using marker-assisted selection [121]. Direct selection for yield in drought-prone
environments, however, has proven to be difficult. Drought stress is a dynamic process and
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