Agriculture Reference
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ABA induces the expression of many genes whose products are involved in the response
ent developmental stages is also documented in crops [5]. Under drought conditions,
tases, kinases, transcription factors and their roles in abiotic stress response during differ‐
mechanism ([1-4]. The actions of the other ABA signaling components, such as phospha‐
step of ABA signal transduction in Arabidopsis provided an important insight into this
full of gaps but the recent identification of ABA receptors and the key factors of the first
Knowledge about the complexity of ABA signaling in regards to stress response is still
The best known trigger of the cascade of drought signaling is abscisic acid (ABA).
sponse in crops such as barley or wheat.
from Arabidopsis and other model species, it is possible to gain insight into the stress re‐
model plants such as Arabidopsis. Taking advantage of the knowledge already obtained
stress has been extensively studied in a wide range of species with particular emphasis on
combined with advanced phenotyping techniques. The response of plants to dehydration
lecular genetics, functional genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics
anism that has been investigated using a broad spectrum of 'omics' techniques, such as mo‐
creation of cultivars with increased drought tolerance. Drought response is a complex mech‐
stress and the mechanism for the adaptation and acquisition of tolerance can facilitate the
to a decreased annual yield of crops. Deciphering the basis of the molecular response to
countries around the world experience drought stress in different ways but it always leads
physiology and morphology allows a plant to tolerate, escape or avoid drought stress. Many
side. The capacity of a plant to turn on or turn off a series of genes that further alter plant
biology' said Jian-Kang Zhu, a molecular geneticist at the University of California, River‐
'Drought stress is as complicated and difficult to plant biology as cancer is to mammalian
1. Introduction
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Agata Daszkowska-Golec and Iwona Szarejko
to Drought
The Molecular Basis of ABA-Mediated Plant Response
Chapter 4
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