Chemistry Reference
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Atypical Antipsychotic Effects in Schizophrenia.” Molecular Psychi-
atry 12 (2007): 934-945. Kaddurah-Daouk and colleagues sampled
the blood of 50 schizophrenia patients before and after drug treat-
ment and found differences in metabolites that depended on the
drug the patient received.
Kramer, Peter D. Listening to Prozac. New York: Penguin, 1993. Kram-
er, a psychiatrist, describes the profound effects of the popular anti-
depressant Prozac in his patients.
LeDoux, Joseph. Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are.
New York: Penguin, 2003. LeDoux, a researcher at New York Uni-
versity, examines some of the most fundamental issues of brain sci-
ence, such as consciousness. LeDoux is a fine writer, and included
in the discussion is his interesting perspective on the biology and
chemistry of mental illness.
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago. Nobel Lecture, 1906. Available online. URL:
cajal-lecture.pdf. Accessed May 28, 2009. Santiago Ramón y Cajal's
Nobel lecture describes his research techniques and results.
Santarelli, Luca, Michael Saxe, Cornelius Gross, Alexandre Surget,
Fortunato Battaglia, Stephanie Dulawa, et al. “Requirement of
Hippocampal Neurogenesis for the Behavioral Effects of Antide-
pressants.” Science 301 (August 8, 2003): 805-809. he researchers
found that neurogenesis is important in antidepressant activity in
University of Texas Addiction Science Research and Education Center.
“Understanding Addiction: Basic Science Information.” Available
online. URL:
Accessed May 28, 2009. This Web page provides an abundance of in-
formation on neurons, neurotransmitters—especially dopamine—
and drugs that influence the transmission process.
Wolkin, Adam, Faouzia Barouche, Alfred P. Wolf, John Rotrosen,
Joanna S. Fowler, Chyng-Yann Shiue, et al. “Dopamine Blockade
and Clinical Response: Evidence for Two Biological Subgroups of
Schizophrenia.” American Journal of Psychiatry 146 (1989): 905-
908. The researchers discovered evidence for two different types of
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