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object languageformulae are interpreted by closed sub-intervals of [0, 1], but the no-
tion of consequence is made single-valued. This value assignment is done taking either
the left-hand end point or the right-hand end point or some value in between from the
final interval that is computed as an outcome. It is not completely unrealistic to think
that experts i.e., T i 's are entitled to assignarangeofvalues, but the decision maker is
constrained to conclude a single value, and such a practice of precisification in final re-
sult prevails in the literature of fuzzy set theory, especially in the area of application of
the theory. The meta-linguistic notions, e.g. consequence, consistency, inconsistency,
could also get interval-values, and this direction of research will be taken upinour
future work.
Interval Mathematics: Some Basic Notions
Assigning a specific grade to an imprecise sentence often pushes usintoasituation
where from a range of possible values we are to choose a single one for the sake of the
mathematical ease of computation. Lifting the whole mathematics of fuzzy set theory
in the context of interval-valued fuzzy set theory, researchers [1-4, 10, 12, 11, 15, 16]
to a great extent could manage to resolve this problem. In this section we present some
part of the development [2-4, 10, 12, 11, 16] according to the purpose of this paper.
Let us consider U = { [ a , b ] / 0 a b 1 } along with two order relations I and
, defined by: [ x 1 , x 2 ]
I [ y 1 , y 2 ] iff x 1
y 1 and x 2
y 2 and
y 2 .
( U ,≤ I ) forms a complete lattice, and ( U ,ↆ ) forms a poset. Let be the lattice meet
corresponding to the order relation
[ x 1 , x 2 ]
[ y 1 , y 2 ] iff y 1
x 1
x 2
I .
Definition 2.1 [2] . An interval t-norm is a mapping T : U × U U such that T is
commutative, associative, monotonic with respect to
I and
,and[1 , 1] is the identity
element with respect to T .
Definition 2.2. [16] Let T be an interval t-norm. T is called t-representable if there ex-
ists t-norms t 1 , t 2 on [0 , 1] such that T ([ x 1 , x 2 ] , [ y 1 , y 2 ]) = [ t 1 ( x 1 , y 1 ) , t 2 ( x 2 , y 2 )].
Definition 2.3. [16] For any t-norm
on [0 , 1] and a
[0 , 1], T ∗, a is defined below.
T ∗, a ([ x 1 , x 2 ] , [ y 1 , y 2 ]) = [ x 1
y 1 , max (( x 2
y 2 )
a , x 1
y 2 , x 2
y 1 )].
[0 , 1], T ∗, a is
an interval t-norm. Moreover, for a =1, T ∗, a becomes a t-representable t-norm [16]; i.e.
T ∗, 1 ([ x 1 , x 2 ] , [ y 1 , y 2 ]) = [ x 1
In [11] it has been shown that for any t-norm
on [0 , 1] and any a
y 2 ].Forthepurpose of this paper we shall consider
such an T ∗, 1 , and denote this interval t-norm based on
y 1 , x 2
I .
I : U × U U is
Definition 2.4. Given
on [0 , 1],and1
[0 , 1],
defined by: [ x 1 , x 2 ]
I [ y 1 , y 2 ] = [ min
x 1
y 1 , x 2
y 2 }
, min
( x 2
y 2 , x 1
y 2 }
= [ min
x 1
y 1 , x 2
y 2 }
, min
x 2
y 2 , x 1
y 2 }
In [16] it is shown that
I is an interval fuzzy implication with the adjoint pair
I )on U .For I 1 , I 2 , I U , the following properties of ( I ,→ I ) are of particular
interest here.
I ,
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