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As an example, consider the ˉ -SST of Fig. 7 that defines transformation f ˉ .It
can loop an arbitrary number of steps in state q 0 while replacing all symbols by
a , and storing the current output in register U . Non-deterministically, it guesses
the last occurrence of an input a symbol, and from that point on, never modifies
register U again, and always append b to register V . Register U is intended to
capture the word a |u| in the definition of f ˉ , while V captures b ˉ . The output is
then UV , and it is defined only for the singleton
q 1 }
, which enforces that after
some time, only b symbols are read.
It has been shown in [3] that MSO-transducers of infinite words correspond ex-
actly to ˉ -2FST with regular look-ahead, to ˉ -SST with finite transition monoid,
and to ˉ -SST with copyless transition monoid.
6.3 Tree Transformations
We present a result that establishes a correspondence between MSO-transducers,
and a transducer model for functional transformations of finite ranked trees.
Recall that ranked trees are ordered trees over a ranked alphabet. Each symbol
f of the alphabet has a rank denoted by r ( f ) and, if some node ʱ is labelled
f , this node has exactly r ( f ) successor nodes, called the children of ʱ (see [13]
for a formal definition). We denote by
T ʓ the set of ranked trees over a ranked
alphabet ʓ , and a (ranked) tree transformation is a binary relation over
T ʓ .
Tree transducers and their connection with term rewriting systems have been
deeply studied, see for instance [27]. More recent results on tree transducers can
be found in [15]. Like words, ranked trees over ʓ can be seen as logical structures
over the signature
,where n is the maximum arity in
ʓ , S i are binary successor predicates interpreted by pairs of nodes ( ʱ, ʲ )such
that ʲ is the i -th child of ʱ ,and L a are unary predicates for the node labels. An
MSO-transducer over the signature
S 1 ,...,S n , ( L a ) a∈ʓ }
defines a functional tree transformation
T ʓ , provided the output is a ranked tree structure (which is a decidable
property). For instance, consider a ranked alphabet ʓ = {g,a} where g is a
binary symbol and a a constant, and the transformation t rev which reverses a
tree, i.e., reverses the order relation between the children of any internal node.
The transformation t rev is definable by the following one-copy MSO-transducer:
L ʳ ( x ) ˆ 1 , 1
ˆ pos ( x )
ˆ L ʳ ( x )
ˆ dom
S i ( x, y )
L ʳ ( x )
ˆ S r ( ʳ ) −i +1 ( x, y )
for ʳ
Correspondences between MSO-transducers on ranked trees and tree trans-
ducers has been first studied in [22,8,23] for attribute grammars and macro tree
transducers, and more recently in [4] for streaming tree transducers.
Macro tree transducers extend top-down tree transducers with parameters in
which to store partial output trees. They correspond to purely functional pro-
grams working on tree structures: states are mutually recursive functions and
can carry parameters. Due to lack of space, we do not define formally macro tree
transducers. MSO-transducers on ranked trees correspond exactly to (determin-
istic) macro tree transducers of linear-size increase, i.e. macro tree transducers
ʓ and i
1 , 2
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