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˃ ∈ ʣ
U := V
V := Ua
U :=
V :=
˃ U :=
˃ U := ˃U
a | U := Ua
q 0
q 1
q 0
q 0
q 0
q 0
a | U := U
(a) f 1 / 2
(b) f 1 / 2
(c) f copy
(d) f copy
(e) f rev
Fig. 5. Examples of streaming string transducers
Fig. 5(b). The function f copy can be defined with one or two registers, as depicted
by Fig. 5(c) and Fig. 5(d). Finally, f rev is defined by the SST of Fig. 5(e). Un-
like MSO-transformations, SST-definable transformations may not be linear-size
increase, as shown by the SST of Fig.4 which defines the transformation f exp .
To capture MSO-transformations, various syntactic restrictions on SST register
updates have been defined in several papers [2,3,4,6], which can be defined as
restrictions of a uniform notion of transition monoids for SSTs [26], as presented
in the next section.
4.4 Transition Monoids for Streaming String Transducers
ʣ ,
that represent the state and variable flow of the SST over w [26]. Let T =
( Q,q 0 ,ʴ,
The transition monoid of an SST is a set of matrices M w , for all words w
,ˁ,O ) be an SST over an alphabet ʣ , let two states q 1 ,q 2
Q ,two
ʣ and n
registers U 1 ,U 2 ∈X
the pair ( q 1 ,U 1 ) n -flows to ( q 2 ,U 2 ) on reading w if there exists a run of T on w
from q 1 to q 2 , on which the sequence of register updates makes U 1 contributes
n times to the content of U 2 . The pair ( q 1 ,U 1 )
,aword w
N ∪ {↥}
. Intuitively, if n
-flow to ( q 2 ,U 2 ) if there is no
run on w from q 1 to q 2 . For example, for the SST of Fig. 5(a), ( q 0 ,U )1-flowsto
( q 1 ,U ) on reading a ,aswellas a k for all odd integers k . On Fig. 5(b), ( q 0 ,U )
1-flows to ( q 0 ,V ) on reading a .OnFig.4,( q 0 ,U )2 k -flows to ( q 0 ,U ) on reading
a k for all k
Formally, ( q 1 ,U 1 ) n-flows to ( q 2 ,U 2 )on w ( n
0), denoted ( q 1 ,U 1 ) w
n ( q 2 ,U 2 ),
if there exists a run r of T on w , from state q 1 to state q 2 , such that U 1 occurs n
times in s r ( U 2 ), where s r is the substitution defined by r . The pair ( q 1 ,U 2 )
flows to ( q 2 ,U 2 ) if there is no run of T on w , from state q 1 to state q 2 .Wedenote
by M w the ( N ∪{↥} )-valued square matrices of dimension |Q|.|X| defined, for
all q 1 ,q 2
Q and all U 1 ,U 2 ∈X
,andall n
N ∪{↥}
M w [ q 1 ,U 1 ][ q 2 ,U 2 ]= n iff ( q 1 ,U 1 ) w
n ( q 2 ,U 2 )
Definition 2 (SST Transition Monoid). The transition monoid of an SST
T is the set of matrices M ( T )= {M w | w ∈ ʣ }.
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