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˃ ∈ ʣ | ˃, +1
˃ ∈ ʣ | ˃, +1
|, +1
|, +1
q 0
q 1
q 0
q 1
˃ ∈ ʣ | ˃, +1
|, −
|, −
|, +1
q 3
q 2
q 2
˃ ∈ ʣ | , − 1
˃ ∈ ʣ | ˃, − 1
(a) f copy
(b) f rev
Fig. 3. Examples of two-way finite state transducers
a U := UU
be a finite set of registers denoted by the cap-
ital letters U,V,W... and ʣ be an alphabet. A sub-
stitution s is defined as a mapping s :
a U := aa
) .
( ʣ
q 0
q 1
ʣ .
A valuation is defined as a substitution v :
S X,ʣ be the set of all substitutions. Any substi-
tution s canbeextendedto s :( ʣ
in a straightforward manner. The composition s 1 s 2 of
two substitutions s 1 and s 2 is defined as the standard
function composition s 1
( ʣ
Fig. 4. SST for f exp
s 2 .
A streaming string transducer (SST) over ʣ is a
tuple T =( Q,q 0 ,ʴ,
,ˁ,O )where Q is a finite set of states with initial state q 0 ;
ʴ : Q
Q is a transition function;
is a finite set of registers; ˁ : ʴ
→S X,ʣ
X is a (partial) output function.
Like FST, a run r of an SST T is an alternating sequence of states and letters
r = p 0 ˃ 1 p 1 ...˃ n p n such that p 0 = q 0 and for all i
is a register update function; and O : Q
0 ,...,n
, ʴ ( p i i +1 )is
defined and equal to p i +1 .Therun r is accepting if p n
= n
the length of r . In particular, a run of length 1 follows exactly one transition.
The sequence
dom( O ). We let
s r,i 0 ≤i≤|r| of substitutions induced by r is defined inductively
as: s r, 0 is the identity function over
,and s r,i = s r,i− 1 ˁ ( p i− 1 i )for1
We denote s r,|r| by s r .
If the run r is accepting, we can extend the output function O to the run r
by O ( r )= s s r ( O ( p n )), where s substitutes all registers by their initial value .
As for FST and 2FST, the functional transformation
defined by an SST
T is the set of pairs ( u,v ) such that there exists an accepting run r of T on u
such that v = O ( r ).
Example 6. The definition of SST is best understood with some examples. Any
FST can be encoded as an SST with a single register. As an example, consider
the SST that defines the function f 1 / 2 in Fig. 5(a). It has only one register
U . The register update substitutions are represented on the edges by the the
assignment operator :=, while the output function is represented by the ver-
tical arrows leading to an expression, here U . The function f 1 / 2 can also be
defined with only one state, but using one additional register V , as depicted by
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