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The sentence
ʲ 1 ( a 1 )
ʲ 1 ( a 2 )
ʲ 1 ( a 3 )
ʲ 4 ( a 4 )
ʳ [1 , 1 , 1 , 1] ( a j ,a l )
ʳ [1 , 4 , 1 , 2] ( a j ,a 4 )(7)
1 ≤j<l≤ 3
j =1
is a state description for a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 and the sentence
ʲ 1 ( a 1 )
ʲ 1 ( a 2 )
ʲ 1 ( a 3 )
ʲ 3 ( a 4 )
ʳ [1 , 1 , 1 , 1] ( a 1 ,a 2 )
ʳ [1 , 3 , 1 , 2] ( a 1 ,a 4 )
( )
is a partial state description for a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 .
Imagine a simple situation where individuals a 1 ,a 2 ,... could do just two
things: think other individuals (also themselves) to be good cooks or not, and
like to eat fish or not. If we interpret each a j as a j , R ( x )as' x likes to eat fish'
and Q ( x, y )as' x thinks y is a good cook', then (7) says that a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 all like
to eat fish and think everybody including themselves to be good cooks and that
a 4 does not like to eat fish and does not think anybody including him/herself
to be a good cook; (8) says that a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 all like to eat fish and each thinks
him/herself to be a good cook, a 4 does not like to eat fish but thinks him/herself
to be a good cook, a 1 and a 2 think each other to be good cooks and a 1 also
thinks a 4 to be a good cook but a 4 does not think a 1 to be a good cook.
Now consider in light of this example what a binary variant of Johnson's
Sucientness Postulate might be. It appears reasonable that for a partial state
description ʘ ( a 1 ,...,a m ) as given by (2), the probability of an extension of it by
some ʲ k ( a m +1 ) (how a new individual behaves in isolation) would depend only
on the ʲ v j (how other individuals behave in isolation) rather than the ʳ h j,l ,and
an extension of it by some ʳ [ k,c,h,d ] ( a s ,a t )for1
A (how a s
and a t relate to each other given how each of them behaves in isolation) would
depend only on those ʳ h j,l where a j and a l behave in isolation just as a s and a t
Taking this a step further along the lines of the unary Johnson's Sucient-
ness Postulate and using the notation from page 210, this appears to lead to
the requirement that the conditional probability of ʲ k ( a m +1 )given(2)should
depend only on m k and m ,andfor k = v s , c = v t the conditional probability of
ʳ [ k,c,h,d ] ( a s ,a t ) given (2) should depend only on n [ k,c,h,d ] and n k,c .
However, there is a little catch when k = c and h
m ,
s, t
= d for the following reason.
Assuming again that k = v s , c = v t ,for k
= c the conditional probability
of ʳ [ k,c,h,d ] ( a s ,a t ) given (2) equals the probability of increasing n [ k,c,h,d ] by 1
using a s ,a t since only ʳ [ k,c,h,d ] ( a s ,a t ), not ʳ [ c,k,d,h ] ( a s ,a t ), is consistent with
(2). Similarly when k = c and h = d because the two possibilities become the
same. But when h
= d ,both ʳ [ k,k,h,d ] ( a s ,a t ), ʳ [ k,k,d,h ] ( a s ,a t ) can extend (2)
and hence increasing n [ k,k,h,d ] by 1 using a s ,a t canbedoneintwoways;the
conditional probability of each should therefore arguably depend on n [ k,k,h,d ]
and n k,k differently than when k
= c or k = c, h = d .
Binary Carnap Continuum
Motivated by the above, we will say that the atoms ʳ [ k,k,h,d ] where h
= d double ,
and we shall consider the following principle.
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