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criteria of soundness. Arguments which satisfied all the required criteria were determined
to be sound. Arguments which failed to satisfy the criteria were rejected, however con-
vincing they may have seemed.
The Four Criterions of Knowledge, the Four Pramān as
The Pratyaks a-pramān a, the Criterion of Perceptual Knowledge
Uddyotakara, the author of the Nyāyavārtika, the second commentary of the Nyāyasūtra,
which was composed probably during the 6 th century AD, presents the outlines of his
theory of pramān a already in the introduction of his work. The discussion in the intro-
duction is divided to three parts, each one of which is dedicated to the clarification of a
key concept Vātsyāyana uses in the opening sentence of the Nyāya-bhāsya. The opening
sentence of the Bhāsya states that " pramān a is useful and it is fully compatible with its
objects ( arthavat) because the capability to act ( pravr r t i-sāmarthya) reveals that the ob-
ject of perception was obtained by pramān a ". Uddyotakara first turns to examine the
relation between pramān a and samartha-pravr r t i - meaningful, compatible and compe-
tent activity. It seems Uddyotakara considers the clarification of the relation between
pramān a and samartha-pravi , which he takes to be a relation of mutual-interdependence,
to be crucial to the understanding of Vātsyāyana's statement ' pramān a is arthavat '.
Uddyotakara does not consider the relation between pramān a and samartha -
pravr r t i to be a causal relation. He makes this point perfectly clear in his response to the
following objection: The pūrvapaks in notes that whereas it is perfectly reasonable to
maintain that pramān a conditions samartha - pravr r t i , it is senseless to maintain that sa-
martha - pravr r t i conditions pramān a , since the latter temporally precedes the former. 3 In
causal relations, time plays a crucial role. If relata x conditions relata y it follow that rela-
ta x temporally precedes relata y ; and if relata y is temporally posterior to relata x , it fol-
lows that it is impossible for relata y to condition relata x . Under such circumstances, it is
indeed impossible for samartha - pravr r t i to condition pramān a . Uddyotakara responds by
saying that time plays no role in the analysis he presented of the relation between
pramān a and samartha - pravr r t i . 4 If the relation between pramān a and samartha - pravr r t i
is a kind of relation in which time plays no role, it cannot be a causal relation, and if it is
not a causal relation, there is no reason to withdraw the claim that pramān a and samar-
tha - pravr r t i are mutually interdependent. If Uddyotakara holds time to have no bearing
on the relation between pramān a and samartha - pravr r t i , he must be holding pramān a
3 NV 1.1.1, pp. 3 line 4 - परपरापेिवादुभयािसिरित चेत् - न, अनादवात्. यद
माणतोSथितपौ वृिसामयम्, यद वा वृिसामयात् माणतोSथितपिः, क पूव क वा
पादित वायम्. यद तावत् माणतः पूवमथितपिः, वृिसामयमतरेण किमित ितपते? अथ
पूव वृिसामयमनवधायाथ किमित वतते? तमात् वृेः माणतोSथितपेरवा पूवापरभावो न
कयते इित.
4 NV 1.1.1, pp. 3 line 9 - त नैवम्. कमात्? अनादवात्. अनादरयं संसार इित पूवायतसूे
ितपादिययामः. आदमित च संसारे एष दोषः, क पूव माणतोSथितपिः, आहोिवत् पूव
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