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Buchi Automata Optimisations Formalised
in Isabelle/HOL
Alexander Schimpf 1 , and Jan-Georg Smaus 2
1 Institut fur Informatik, Universitat Freiburg, Germany
2 IRIT, Universite de Toulouse, France
Abstract. In applications of automata theory, one is interested in re-
ductions in the size of automata that preserve the recognised language.
For Buchi automata, two optimisations have been proposed: bisimulation
reduction, which computes equivalence classes of states and collapses
them, and ʱ -balls reduction, which collapses strongly connected com-
ponents (SCCs) of an automaton that only contain one single letter as
edge label. In this paper, we present a formalisation of these algorithms
in Isabelle/HOL, providing a formally verified implementation.
Model-checking is an important method for proving systems correct, and is ap-
plied in industrial practice [1]. In previous work [2], we present a reference im-
plementation for an LTL (linear temporal logic) model checker for finite-state
systems a la SPIN [5]. The model checker follows the well-known automata-
theoretic approach. Given a finite-state program P andanLTLformula ˆ ,two
Buchi automata are constructed: the system automaton that recognises the ex-
ecutions of P ,andthe property or formula automaton expressing all potential
executions that violate ˆ , respectively. Then the product of the two automata is
computed and tested on-the-fly for emptiness. This implementation is realised
and verified using Isabelle/HOL [7].
One important part of automata-based model checking is the translation of an
LTL formula into a Buchi automaton. The standard algorithm for this problem
has been proposed by Gerth et al. [4]. Previously to [2], we have implemented
and verified this algorithm in Isabelle/HOL [8]. In this paper, we consider two
of the optimisations proposed by Etessami and Holzmann [3] to reduce the size
of the formula automaton.
In model checking, the system automaton is usually much larger than the
property automaton, but since the size of the property automaton is a mul-
tiplicative factor of the overall complexity, it is worthwhile to put substantial
effort into its optimisation [3].
The first optimisation is bisimulation reduction, which computes equivalence
classes of states and collapses them. The algorithm of [3] uses a so-calledcolouring.
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