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We implemented the tableau method for both
-semantics in Lotrec-
scheme [22]. The tool and the files for logics are available, respectively, at:
-semantics and
Appendix A.5 shows an output of Lotrecscheme.
5Con lu ion
We develop tableau system for both intersection and subset PAL based on monotone
modal logic. Here we present some problems for future work.
- We m a y generalize ourtableau systems to the general dynamic epistemic logic set-
ting. Intersection DEL is already proposed in [31] and subset DEL is also proposed
in [17]. Our idea for developing tableau system for PAL sistotakefinitesequences
of public announcements into consider. In the DEL setting, we may consider his-
tories of actions in the action model. Thus we may develop the tableau rules for
operations as it is done in [1] for the DEL extension of modal logic K .
- It is well-known that modal formulas corresponds to conditions on neighborhood
frames ([19]). Thus we may consider how tableau systems can be developed for ex-
tensions of monotone modal logic with additional modal axioms, and then consider
their dynamics extensions. The problem is to take those special frame conditions
into account in the tableau rules for modal operations.
- As the satisfiability problems for both intersection and subset PAL are in NP,they
are reducible to the satisfiability problem for classical propositional logic [20]. We
aim at finding elegant reductions for obtaining e
cient solvers for both intersection
and subset PAL .
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5. Fagin,
Artificial Intelli-
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