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3.2 Complexity
Normal modal logics as K and KT are PSPACE-complete, and negative introspection
p makes any modal logics between K and S4 NP-complete [11]. Tableau
systems for such logics have been given in [10].
The satisfiability problem (deciding whether a given
is satisfiable) for non-normal
monotone modal logic is NP-complete [29]. A known method is to build a tableau from
˃ initial :
; at each step, the process adds non-deterministically a term of the form
) with
is a symbol and
is a subformula or a negation of a subformula of
Proposition 2. When executing thetableau method from
˃ initial :
,the number of
terms (
) thatcan be added is polynomialin thelength of
Proof. As
is a subformula or a negation of a subformula of
,thenumber of possible
is linear in the size of
.Thenumber of possible world symbols
is polynomial
in the size of
, as they are created only for pairs of the form
ˈ 1 ,
¬ˈ 2 .Thus, the
2 , and hence the number of possible terms (
number of such
is bounded by
3 .
Corollary 1. Thesatisfiability problem innon-normal monotone modallogic is NP-
is bounded by
Proof. NP-hardness comes from the fact that the satisfiability problem for classical propo-
sitional logic is polynomially reducible to the satisfiability problem for non-normal mono-
tone modal logic. Now let usfigure out why it is in NP. In the non-deterministic algorithm
shown below, the size of
is polynomial in the length of
(Proposition 2). Testing that
is saturated or non-deterministically applying arule can be implemented in polynomial
time in the size of
; then, these operations are polynomial in the length of
at each iteration of the while loop, there are at most a polynomial number of
iterations. Therefore, the tableau method can be implemented in polynomial time on a
non-deterministic machine.
procedure sat( ˕ )
ʘ : ={ ( ˃ initial : ˕ ) }
while ʘ is not saturated
ʘ : = result of the (non-deterministic) application of a rule on ʘ
if ʘ is closed then reject
Tableaux for Non-normal Public Annoucement Logics
Tab leauxforpublic announcements for normal modal logic already appeared in [2],
where the tableau formalism needed to represent the information of accessibility rela-
tion. Since we are concerned with non-normal modal logic characterized by neighbor-
hood models, ourtableau calculus will not introduce any formalism for accessibility
relation. In this sense, our work is not a trivial generalization of [2]. For non-normal
monotone modal logic, this section adapts the tableau method of Section 3 to deal with
public announcements under both the
-semantics. Here, terms in the tableau
rules can be either
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