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Tableaux for Non-normal Public Announcement Logic
MinghuiMa 1 ,Katsuhiko Sano 2 ,Fran¸ois Schwarzentruber 3 ,
and Fernando R. Velazquez-Quesada 4
Center for the Study of Logic and Intelligence, Southwest University, China
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
ENS Rennes, Campus de Ker Lann 35170 Bruz, France
Grupo de L ogica, Lenguaje e Informaci on, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Abstract. This paper presents a tableau calculus for two semantic interpretations
of public announcements over monotone neighbourhood models: the intersection
and the subset semantics, developed by Ma and Sano. We show that both calculi
are sound and complete with respect to their corresponding semantic interpre-
tations and, moreover, we establish that the satisfiability problem of this public
announcement extensions is NP-complete in both cases. The tableau calculi has
been implemented in Lotrecscheme.
Public announcement logic ( PAL ;[7,21])studies the e
ect of the most basic com-
municative action on the knowledge of epistemic logic agents ( EL ; [12,6]), and it has
served as the basis for the study of more complex announcements [3] and other forms of
epistemic changes [27,25]. Under the standard EL semantic model, relational models,
PAL relies on a natural interpretation of what the public announcement of a formula
does: it eliminates those epistemic possibilities that do not satisfy
. Despite its sim-
plicity, PAL has proved to be a fruitful field for interesting research, as the characteri-
sation of successfulformulas (those that are still trueafterbeing truthfully announced:
[28,14]), the characterisation of schematic validities [13] and many others [24].
However, relational models are not the uniquestructures for interpreting EL for-
mulas, and recently there have been approaches that, using the so called minimal or
neighborhood models [23,18,19,4], have studied not only epistemic phenomena but
also their dynamics [31,26,17,30]. The set of EL validities under neighborhood models
is smaller than that under relational models, so the agent's knowledgehasless'built-in'
properties, which allows a finer representation of epistemic notions and their dynamics
without resorting to 'syntactic' awareness models [5].
In [17], the authors presented two ways of updating (monotone) neighborhood mod-
els and thus of representing public announcements: one intersecting the current neigh-
borhoods with the new information (
-semantics , already proposed in [31]), and
another preserving only those neighborhoods which are subsets of the new information
erently, as their provided sound and com-
plete axiom systems show. The present work continues the study of such updates, first,
by extending the tableau system for monotone neighborhood models of [15] with rules
for dealing with its public announcement extensions, and second, by showing how the
satisfiability problem is NP-complete for both the intersection and the subset semantics.
-semantics ). The two updates behave di
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