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In expressive power FO(=( ... )) is equivalent to existential second-order logic
(ESO) [2]. For some variants of FO(=( ... )), the correspondence with ESO does
not hold or it can depend on which version of team semantics is being used. For
instance, FO(
) corresponds in expressive power to ESO if we use the so-called
“strict team semantics” [4]. Under the lax team semantics, FO(
) corresponds
to greatest fixed-point logic (GFP) [5] which captures PTIME over finite ordered
models. In FO(=( ... )) no separation between the strict and the lax version of
team semantics exists since dependence atoms satisfy the so-called downward
closure property. In the following we briefly list some complexity theoretical
aspects of FO(=( ... )) and its variants.
- FO(=( ... )) extended with the so-called intuitionistic implication
duced in [6]) increases the expressive power of FO(=( ... )) to full second-order
logic [7].
- The model checking problem of FO(=( ... )), and many of its variants, was
recently shown to be NEXPTIME-complete. Moreover, for any variant of
FO(=( ... )) whose atoms are PTIME-computable, the corresponding model
checking problem is contained in NEXPTIME [8].
- The non-classical interpretation of disjunction in FO(=( ... )) has the effect
that the model checking problems of ˆ 1 := =( x, y )
=( u,v )and ˆ 2 :=
=( x, y )
=( u,v )
=( u,v ) are already NL-complete and NP-complete,
respectively [9].
This article pursues the line of study taken in [10,4] where syntactical fragments
of dependence and independence logic (FO(
c )) were investigated, respectively.
c ) extends first-order logic by conditional independence atoms
y x z
with the informal meaning that the values of
are independent of each
other, given any value of
c ) does not have downward
closure and is sensitive to the choice between the lax and the strict version of
team semantics. For a set of atoms
), also FO(
) (omitting the set parentheses
) to denote the logic obtained by adding the atoms of
to first-order logic.
)inwhichatmost k variables are
universally quantified. In [10] it was shown that
)( k
) denotes the sentences of FO(
FO(=( ... ))( k
ESO f ( k
FO(=( ... ))(2 k
where ESO f ( k
) denotes the Skolem normal form ESO sentences in which at
most k universally quantified first-order variables appear. In [4] it was shown
that (under the lax team semantics)
- FO(
- FO(
where FO(
) is the sublogic of FO(
c ) allowing only so-called pure independence
x y
. Moreover, it is known that FO(
) is equivalent in expressive power
to FO(
c ) [1,11].
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