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the population characteristics of long-tailed macaques. We will need to
focus on questions such as, (1) How many macaques are there in Southeast
Asia, and what proportion of their population interfaces with human soci-
eties?, and (2) what is the true extent of genetic variation across their vast
geographical range, and how valid is the current subspecific classification
system currently in use? We need to better study and consider what conser-
vation measures may be needed for the various subspecies and for unique
behavioral traditions that occur in small populations. Another critical aspect
of research is to fully understand the criteria and conditions that allow
long-tailed macaques to colonize islands where they have been released.
This can be done by studying the few islands where macaques have colo-
nized and then compare the degree of ability to propagate under varying
ecological and anthropogenic conditions on each island. We also need to
continue characterizing human-macaque interfaces using the ethnoprima-
tological approach, but we now need to begin investigating how variations
in the anthropogenic-based ecological influences on macaques affects their
evolution alongside human communities. Overall, long-tailed macaque pop-
ulation-level research will allow us to better understand the coevolution of
human and non-human primate populations. Moreover, it will provide us
with the information database necessary to support quality population moni-
toring and management programs aimed at alleviating human-macaque con-
flicts, controlling trade, and maintaining a sustainable long-tailed macaque
population into the future.
Aggimarangsee, N. 1992. Survey for semi-tame colonies of macaques in Thailand.
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 40 : 103-166.
Albert, F. W., Shchepina, O., Winter, C. et al. 2008. Phenotypic differences in behavior,
physiology and neurochemistry between rats selected for tameness and for defen-
sive aggression towards humans. Hormones and Behavior 53 : 413-421.
Albert, F. W., Carlborg, O., Plyusnina, I. et al. 2009. Genetic architecture of tameness
in a rat model of animal domestication. Genetics 182 : 541-554.
Belyaev, D. K. 1979. Destablizing selection as a factor in domestication. Journal of
Heredity 70 : 301-308.
Berenstain, L. 1986. Responses of long-tailed macaques to drought and fire in Eastern
Borneo: A preliminary report. Biotropica 18 : 257-262.
Blancher, A., Bonhomme, M., Crouau-Roy, B., Terao, K., Kitano, T. and Saitou, N.
2008. Mitochondrial DNA sequence phylogeny of 4 populations of the widely
distributed cynomolgus macaque ( Macaca fascicularis fascicularis ). Journal of
Heredity 99 : 254-264.
Bunluesilp, N. 2009. No monkey business: Thailand launches primate birth control.
Reuters Life , August 21, 2009.
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