Biology Reference
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Figure 8.3. (cont. )
evergreen forest, with trees not exceeding 10 meters in height. The canopy
was closed and the forest floor was relatively open and shaded. The same spe-
cies of plants found in the forest were also found in scattered distribution in
the savanna and thicket. At the edges of these vegetation types, and scattered
within them, were substantial patches of thorn scrub. The plant species were
a mix of indigenous and introduced plants, with a number of commercial and
ornamental tree species scattered throughout the study area. Other sympatric
mammals at the site included deer, wild pigs, mongoose, rabbits, a variety of
rodents, and the only endemic mammal, fruit bats ( Pteropus spp ). There were
no natural predators of the macaques, but feral dogs were observed on occa-
sion. See Sussman and Tattersall ( 1981 ) and Jamieson ( 1998 ) for more detailed
descriptions of the site.
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