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5. The correlation between release of foraging and predation pressure and
high rates of object manipulation may be important for management and
assessment of similar semi-free-ranging populations.
In memoriam of Dr. Komang Gde Suaryana, a pioneer of Balinese
This project was conducted under research permission from Lembaga
Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia (LIPI), the Provincial Government of Bali and
the Regency of Gianyar, and the Padangtegal Wanara Wana Management
Committee. We wish to extend special thanks to the Rector of Universitas
Udayana, the Governor of Bali, the Directorate of Social and Political Affairs,
The Padangtegal Wanara Wana Management Committee and the Wanara
Wana staff. We also thank The University of Notre Dame, Central Washington
University, Dr. Hiro Kurashina, the University of Guam, Universitas Udayana
Pusat Kajin Primata, and the student team members and faculty of the Balinese
Macaque Project field school 1998-2002. Partial support for this study came
from the Central Washington University Office of International Studies and
Programs and Office of Graduate Studies.
Aggiramangsee, N. 1992. Survey of semi-free ranging macaques of Thailand. Natural
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Angst, W. 1975. Basic data and concepts on the social organization of Macaca fascicu-
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Rosenblum (ed.). New York: Academic Press. pp. 325-388.
Arta Putra, I. G. A., Fuentes, A., Suaryana, K. G., and Rompis, A. L. T. 2001. Perilaku
makan monyet ekor panjang ( Macaca fascicularis ) di Wanara Wana, Padangtegal,
Ubud, Bali. in Konservasi Satwa Primata: Tinjuan ekologi, sosial eknomi dan
medis dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi . Universitas Gadjah
Mada Press, Yogyakarta. pp. 132-140.
Chapman, C. A. and Peres, C. A. 2001. Primate conservation in the new millennium: the
role of scientists. Evolutionary Anthropology 10( 1):16-33.
Crockett, C. M. and Wilson, W. L. 1980. The ecological separation of Macaca nemes-
trina and Macaca fascicularis in Sumatra. In The Macaques: Studies in Ecology,
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