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discriminative for classification, and the support criterion does not become too dom-
inant in the rule selection process. The earliest work on the connections between
classification and association rule mining was provided in [ 18 ]. Subsequently, one
of the most popular methods for classification based on associations was the CBA (or
Classification Based on Associations ) method proposed in [ 87 ]. This method is also
available as a practical software package [ 147 ]. Subsequently, another technique for
classification on the basis of the FP-Growth method for association rule mining was
the CMAR method [ 77 ]. Some techniques focus more directly on finding discrimi-
native patterns, with a special focus on the discriminative power of the patterns with
respect to the class labels. Discriminative frequent pattern mining methods, which
are particularly tailored to classification are discussed in [ 33 ]. Such methods have
also been used for software bug detection [ 90 ]. Methods for using discriminative
frequent patterns in order to create decision trees are discussed in [ 49 ].
Such techniques have also been extended to other data domains. For examples
methods for classification of structural data and graphs with the use of rule-based pat-
terns are discussed in [ 140 ]. In these methods, discriminative subtrees and subgraphs
are discovered from the underlying structured data, and are used for the purposes of
classification. Some methods have also been designed for constructing classification
rules from spatio-temporal data, in order to determine anomalies in the form of rare
classes [ 82 ]. Rule-based methods have also been used in order to classify strings
with the use of the wavelet representation [ 1 ]. The idea is that the wavelets provide
a multi-granularity representation of the data on which the rules are constructed.
Test sequences are classified by first converting them to the wavelet representation,
and then using the relevant rules for classification purposes. The relevant rules are
determined by matching the test instance with the predicates on the left hand side of
the rules. Association rules have also been used for medical image classification in
the context of spatial data [ 20 ].
The typical approach in all of these methods is quite similar. The first step is
to mine all frequent patterns above a given support, as in standard classification
mining algorithms. Such patterns may either be mined on either the entire database
or on each class-specific database. The latter is preferred when there is a significant
imbalance between the classes in order to ensure that the patterns relevant to the
rare class are not lost in the pattern mining process. Subsequently, the confidence
of each of these frequent patterns with respect to the class variable is determined.
The patterns which have high confidence with respect to the class variable are then
determined and reported. Since the number of possible rules which satisfy the support
and confidence constraints may be very high, it is usually desirable to pick a small
subset of rules which reflect the behavior in the training data effectively. In some
methods such as in [ 122 ], the best rules for classification are mined directly, rather
than as a post-processing phase in order to ensure better efficiency. This set of rules
defines the training model for the classification process. For a given test instance, the
set of rules for which the pattern on the left hand side match with the test instance are
identified. These rules are prioritized with one or more criteria such as the confidence
and support. This priority is used to determine which class is most relevant to the test
instance by combining the votes from the different rules in a prioritized or weighted
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