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This chapter discusses the close relationship between frequent pattern mining and
clustering, which might not be apparent at first sight. In fact, frequent pattern mining
was the godfather of subspace clustering, which developed quickly into an indepen-
dent and influential research area on its own. We showed how certain techniques
that have been originally developed for frequent pattern mining have been trans-
ferred to clustering, how these techniques changed in their new environment, and
how the drawbacks of these techniques—unfortunately transferred along—raised
new research questions as well as interesting solutions in the area of data clustering.
Acknowledgments Ira Assent is partly supported by the Danish Council for Independent
Research—Technology and Production Sciences (FTP), grant 10-081972. Jilles Vreeken is sup-
ported by the Cluster of Excellence 'Multimodal Computing and Interaction' within the Excellence
Initiative of the German Federal Government.
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8. M. Ankerst, M. M. Breunig, H.-P. Kriegel, and J. Sander. OPTICS: Ordering points to identify
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9. I. Assent. Clustering high dimensional data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and
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10. I. Assent, R. Krieger, E. Müller, and T. Seidl. DUSC: dimensionality unbiased subspace clus-
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11. I. Assent, R. Krieger, E. Müller, and T. Seidl. EDSC: efficient density-based subspace clus-
tering. In 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Napa
Valley, CA , pages 1093-1102, 2008.
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