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13. Aggarwal, C.C., Li, Y., Wang, J., & Wang, J. 2009. Frequent pattern mining with uncertain
data. In Proceedings of the ACM KDD 2009 , pages 29-38.
14. Akbarinia, R., & Masseglia, F. 2012. FMU: fast mining of probabilistic frequent itemsets in
uncertain data streams. In Proceedings of the BDA 2012 .
15. Bernecker, T., Kriegel, H.-P., Renz, M., Verhein, F., & Zuefle, A. 2009. Probabilistic frequent
itemset mining in uncertain databases. In Proceedings of the ACM KDD 2009 , pages 119-127.
16. Budhia, B.P., Cuzzocrea, A., & Leung, C.K.-S. 2012. Vertical frequent pattern mining from
uncertain data. In Proceedings of the KES 2012 , pages 1273-1282. IOS Press.
17. Calders, T., Garboni, C., & Goethals, B. 2010. Efficient pattern mining of uncertain data with
sampling. In Proceedings of the PAKDD 2010, Part I , pages 480-487. Springer.
18. Chui, C.-K., & Kao, B. 2008. A decremental approach for mining frequent itemsets from
uncertain data. In Proceedings of the PAKDD 2008 , pages 64-75. Springer.
19. Chui, C.-K., Kao, B., & Hung, E. 2007. Mining frequent itemsets from uncertain data. In
Proceedings of the PAKDD 2007 , pages 47-58. Springer.
20. Cuzzocrea, A., Leung, C.K.-S., & MacKinnon, R.K. 2014. Mining constrained frequent
itemsets from distributed uncertain data. Future Generation Computer Systems . Elsevier.
21. Dalvi, N., & Suciu, D. 2004. Efficient query evaluation on probabilistic databases. In
Proceedings of the VLDB 2004 , pages 864-875. Morgan Kaufmann.
22. Gaber, M.M., Zaslavsky, A.B., & Krishnaswamy, S. Mining data streams: a review. ACM
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23. Green, T., & Tannen, V. 2006. Models for incomplete and probabilistic information. Bulletin of
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24. Han, J., Pei, J., & Yin, Y. 2000. Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation. In
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25. Jiang, B., Pei, J., Tao, Y., & Lin, X. 2013. Clustering uncertain data based on probability
distribution similarity. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ( TKDE ), 25(4),
pages 751-763.
26. Jiang, F., & Leung, C.K.-S. 2013. Stream mining of frequent patterns from delayed batches of
uncertain data. In Proceedings of the DaWaK 2013 , pages 209-221. Springer.
27. Lakshmanan, L.V.S., Leung, C.K.-S., & Ng, R.T. 2003. Efficient dynamic mining of
constrained frequent sets. ACM Transactions on Database Systems ( TODS ), 28(4), pages
28. Lee, W., Leung, C.K.-S., Song, J.J., & Eom, C.S.-H. 2012. A network-flow based influence
propagation model for social networks. In Proceedings of the CGC/SCA 2012 , pages 601-608.
IEEE Computer Society (The best paper of SCA 2012).
29. Leung, C.K.-S. 2009. Convertible constraints. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems , pages
494-495. Springer.
30. Leung, C.K.-S. 2009. Frequent itemset mining with constraints. In Encyclopedia of Database
Systems , pages 1179-1183. Springer.
31. Leung, C.K.-S. 2009. Succinct constraints. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems , page 2876.
32. Leung, C.K.-S. 2011. Mining uncertain data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining
and Knowledge Discovery ( WIDM ), 1(4), pages 316-329.
33. Leung, C.K.-S., & Brajczuk, D.A. 2009. Efficient algorithms for the mining of constrained
frequent patterns from uncertain data. ACM SIGKDD Explorations , 11(2), pages 123-130.
34. Leung, C.K.-S., & Brajczuk, D.A. 2009. Mining uncertain data for constrained frequent sets.
In Proceedings of the IDEAS 2009 , pages 109-120. ACM.
35. Leung, C.K.-S., & Brajczuk, D.A. 2010. uCFS 2 : an enhanced system that mines uncertain data
for constrained frequent sets. In Proceedings of the IDEAS 2010 , pages 32-37. ACM.
36. Leung, C.K.-S., & Hao, B. 2009. Mining of frequent itemsets from streams of uncertain data.
In Proceedings of the IEEE ICDE 2009 , pages 1663-1670.
37. Leung, C.K.-S., & Hayduk, Y. 2013. Mining frequent patterns from uncertain data with MapRe-
duce for Big Data analytics. In Proceedings of the DASFAA 2013, Part I , pages 440-455.
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