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Fig. 4.9 Pattern metric space
Colossal Pattern
Small Pattern
Fig. 4.10 Pattern Space
Explored by MARGIN
One interesting feature of Pattern-Fusion is that it gives a good approximation
to the complete answer set by favoring colossal patterns over smaller-sized ones and
catching the outliers.
Pattern Traversal Approach
An alternative to finding long patterns one at a time is to identify one long pattern,
and try to find all other long patterns by exploring the adjacent ones in the neighbor-
hood. We call this type of long pattern discovery the Pattern Navigation Approach .
MARGIN as proposed in [ 23 ] is a representative of such an approach (Fig. 4.10 ).
MARGIN is a frequent subgraph mining algorithm to find all maximal frequent
subgraphs. As long patterns form a subset of all the maximal frequent subgraphs,
MARGIN would return all the largest patterns in a graph data set. In a nutshell,
MARGIN is based on the idea that all maximal subgraphs are adjacent in the pattern
lattice in the sense that any one of them is reachable from another one by a common
child node. The set of all candidate subgraphs which are likely to be maximally
frequent are the set of n -edge frequent subgraphs that have a n
1-edge infrequent
supergraph. Such a set of nodes in the lattice is referred to as the set of f-cut-nodes .
Comparing to Apriori based algorithms, MARGIN greatly improves mining effi-
ciency by exloring a much smaller search space by visiting the pattern lattice around
the f-cut-nodes .A cut is defined as follows.
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