In Depth Tutorials and Information
densities. The orthotist will determine the best materials
for the specific patient.
The orthosis is fabricated to the specific design using
the mold and measurements. Each facility has a unique
fabrication process depending on the equipment and
materials available. The orthotist and technician work
together during the fabrication process to make sure the
orthosis is made according specification.
In general the orthosis will be a plastic shell that has
a front and back section. The orthosis must be padded
and be secured with some type of strapping system.
The orthosis should be easy for the patient to don and
doff. Utilizing a bivalve style will allow the body to
be placed into the orthosis without twisting or adding
extra pressure.
shoe donning, and heating and flaring the plastic to
relieve pressure spots.
Donning and doffing techniques are explained to
the patient and/or family. It is important to allow the
patient/family to don the orthosis themselves and
recheck the it. There is an increased risk of fracture if
the patient/family does not don the brace properly.
Goals are reviewed with the patient and a wearing
schedule is provided. The goals and wearing sched-
ule depend on the goals of the orthosis. Most ortho-
tists have specific protocols set up and the family
should receive any instructions in writing. Follow-up
is scheduled according to physician request and facility
[1] Sponseller P. What is Scoliosis? Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation;
[2] Lunsford T. Strength of materials in orthotic and prosthetic
design. Kendall Hunt Pub. Co; 1996.
Fitting and Delivery
The orthosis is donned and checked for appropri-
ate it. Any modifications to the orthosis will be done
at this time. This may include trimming the plastic for
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